July 27, 2024

#Edo2024: Edo Indigenes in Diaspora allegedly warns #Oshiomole over Dennis #Idahosa as Best Choice

Face your Senate and allow us choose our next #Governor

#Edo2024: Edo Indigenes in Diaspora allegedly warns #Oshiomole over Dennis #Idahosa as Best Choice

To most of Edolites, the name Dennis Idahosa connotes nothing but fraud, fraud and fraud. Currently representing
Ovia South/West-Ovia North/East Federal Constituency. About; Previous Offices; Dennis Idahosa was booted out of office as Commissioner for Investment under the last dispensation of former Governor Adams Oshiomole for fraudulent activities having been discovered to be an extremely dishonest personality and an addicted swindler.

This terrible political thief, an unrepentant looter of public funds and an undemocratic ‘419’ who dips his filthy hands into public revenues without remorse, is now been canvassed to contest for the governorship seat of Edo State.

Wonders, they say shall never cease because a man of Dennis Idahosa’s devilish caliber should not have even thought of smelling the aroma of governance at the Edo State Governor’s office if he were to be a man of consent.

It is a point blank that Dennis Idahosa can never become the governor of Edo State and reasons are abound. He has been enmeshed in countless criminal activities, most of which have been tortuous to the good and innocent people of Edo State who hitherto, placed their trust on him not knowing that he is a chameleon.

He, alongside his political backers and pillars are presently lobbying to be voted for by the same people he, Dennis has democratically terrorized and humiliated.

He is such a man that portrays highest level of criminalities and illegalities coupled with the fact that accusing fingers are pointed in him for having a HK for internet fraudster( Yahoo Yahoo) strategically positioned in the GRA area of Benin City.

The issue at stake here is, will the good people of Edo State ignore the dangers behind supporting the aspirations of Dennis Idahosa and cast their exclusively respected ballots for him, an alleged ardent criminal? The answer is definitely NO! There is no eligible son and daughter of Edo State in his or her right senses that would go all out of his or her comfort, queue on a long stretch of line and eventually placed his or her fingers on the ballot for a fraudulent Dennis Idahosa. Aside cremating his own personality by being involved in fraudulent activities during the reign of Oshiomole, Idahosa has also been accused severely from different quarters.

He has swindled innocent businessmen and women, most especially those based in the Diaspora huge sums of their hard earned money and defected from the All Progressives Congress (APC) to the then ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for his shameful and criminal act to be covered up.

That was when he perpetrated the nefarious ‘419’ act. This attested to the fact that Dennis Idahosa is a man who criminally knows how to maneuver his ways after been enmeshed in crimes of severe status. It will however, seen ridiculous that the good, responsible people of Edo State would stoop so low or be that forgetful to cast their votes for him.

He is rumoured to want the APC Gubernatorial ticket, to cover up his traits and also for immunity.

It is also surprising and disheartening that Senator Adams Oshiomole who, during his tenure as Edo governor labelled Dennis Idahosa a criminal would now be the one canvassing for votes for him as the state’s governor.

The people are wondering if Oshiomole is under a spell, or does he have diarrhea of the moment according to Ayo Fayose, that he wants Dennis Idahosa by all means.

This is unpalatable and totally unacceptable by all Edolites. So, in conclusion, there is no reason for Edo people to vote for a criminal, an ardent and unrepentant fraudster, a harbinger of fraudster and a leader of illegal cabals all working round the clock for his political survival.

#Edo2024: Edo Indigenes in Diaspora allegedly warns #Oshiomole over Dennis #Idahosa as Best Choice

The fast approaching Edo State election would surely judge that Karma, is surely around the corner for the dishonourable Dennis Idahosa.

#Edo2024: Edo Indigenes in Diaspora allegedly warns #Oshiomole over Dennis #Idahosa as Best Choice

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