July 27, 2024

#Unity Bank Ignites Financial Wisdom Among #Youths During #2024 Global #Money Week


#Unity Bank Ignites Financial Wisdom Among #Youths During #2024 Global #Money Week

#Unity Bank Ignites Financial Wisdom Among #Youths During #2024 Global #Money Week

Unity Bank Plc has taken a significant step towards enhancing financial literacy in Nigeria by conducting educational sessions in 15 schools across the country’s geopolitical zones. This initiative was part of the 2024 Global Money Week celebrations.

Aiming to foster financial inclusion, the sessions were aligned with the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Bankers Committee’s strategic objectives. Unity Bank’s CEO, Mrs. Tomi Somefun, led the charge by hosting a financial literacy workshop at the NYSC Demonstration Secondary School in Calabar, Cross River State.

Represented by the bank’s Chief Compliance Officer, Mrs. Patricia Ahunanya, Mrs. Somefun imparted crucial knowledge on wealth creation strategies to the students. The focus was on cultivating savings habits, smart investment practices, and early adoption of money management skills.

The engagement was designed to instill a sense of financial discipline and equip students with the necessary skills to achieve financial independence and security. It also aimed to nurture a culture of saving and investing among the youth. In recognition of their achievements, Mrs. Somefun honored exemplary students with awards during the event.

Global Money Week is a yearly global initiative that emphasizes the importance of financial literacy for young individuals. It aims to empower them with the necessary tools to make informed financial choices, ensuring their long-term financial health. The campaign sees the participation of over 40,000 organizations worldwide, impacting more than 60 million children.

#Unity Bank Ignites Financial Wisdom Among #Youths During #2024 Global #Money Week

In Nigeria, the Central Bank of Nigeria, in partnership with the Bankers Committee and Junior Achievement Nigeria, orchestrates the Global Money Week activities. This collaboration brings together financial institutions from across the nation to contribute to this vital educational cause.

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