July 27, 2024

#Street2street campaign ambassador clamour for Dr.Ernest #Umakhihe to be #APC flag bearer

#Street2street campaign ambassador clamour for Dr.Ernest #Umakhihe to be #APC flag bearer

#Street2street campaign ambassador clamour for Dr.Ernest #Umakhihe to be #APC flag bearer

As the primary elections of the All Progressives Congress (APC) is beckoning, a good number aspirants jostling for the number one seat in Edo State are all ready to contest for the sole ticket of the party.

However, as the aspirants are working strategically, embarking on underground political ideologies, some groups are also clamouring support for their preferred aspirants. One of such groups is Street2street Campaign Ambassador. This group is seriously yearnings for the candidacy of Dr. Ernest Umakhihe.

A politically reputable group like this wouldn’t have had absolute confidence in beating it’s chest to call on Edolites and perhaps, eligible votes of Edo State to come out enmasse and cast their ballots for Dr. Ernest Umakhihe.

The fact is, Street2street Campaign Ambassador is very much confident in the credibility and political sagacity of Dr. Umakhihe whom they placed absolute trust on to steer the ship of Edo State to its desired harbour.

According to one of the group’s members spoken to in anonymity, ”
Dr. Ernest Umakhihe is a man of the people.

#Street2street campaign ambassador clamour for Dr.Ernest #Umakhihe to be #APC flag bearer

He is an extremely kindhearted man whose passion for Edo state is second to none. If allowed to hoist the flag of the APC during the elections, he will surely deliver victory for the party at the gubernatorial polls and eventually begin the transformation of a new Edo State.”

#Street2street campaign ambassador clamour for Dr.Ernest #Umakhihe to be #APC flag bearer

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