July 27, 2024

#Rivers State at the Crossroads: #DCWCA’s Urgent Plea to the President for Peace and Protection


#Rivers State at the Crossroads: #DCWCA’s Urgent Plea to the President for Peace and Protection

Esteemed Compatriots of Nigeria,

#Rivers State at the Crossroads: #DCWCA’s Urgent Plea to the President for Peace and Protection

In the heart of Africa’s vibrant tapestry, our nation stands as a beacon of diversity and resilience. Yet, today, our collective spirit is tested as we face a daunting challenge that strikes at the very core of our tranquility, particularly within the verdant bounds of Rivers State. The internet is abuzz with disconcerting news—a nefarious plot brewing, threatening to unravel the harmony our coastal communities have so diligently woven.

We, the Dwellers of Coastal and Waterways Communities of Africa (DCWCA), are deeply troubled. Reports have surfaced of a malevolent strategy designed to thwart the laudable endeavors of Royal Fouchee Security Limited, under the distinguished leadership of Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo Asari. It is with a heavy heart that we learn of allegations pointing to our own sentinels, the Nigeria Security Agencies, purportedly plotting an offensive against the steadfast personnel of Royal Fouchee Security Agency and its counterparts in Rivers State.

At this juncture of trepidation, we cast our gaze upon the highest echelon of governance—the revered office of the President of Nigeria. With fervent hope, we extend an urgent entreaty for your intervention, Mr. President. We implore you to exercise the full breadth of your esteemed authority to forestall any ventures that may imperil the lives and prosperity of our coastal denizens. Your prompt and resolute action is crucial to averting an escalation of strife and to maintaining the serenity that serves as the lifeblood of our coastal enclaves.

The political undercurrents of these disquieting events may elude our grasp, yet the murmurs of doubt persist. It is the duty of our esteemed leaders to transcend the fray of partisan politics and place the well-being of every Nigerian at the forefront, especially those in our coastal regions who face a myriad of adversities.

We must not lose sight of history’s teachings, where political rifts were permitted to plant the seeds of disunion amongst our coastal kin. Rather, let us band together in unity, crossing the divides of political allegiance to protect the hallowed ground of our democracy and the prosperity of our coastal populace.

#Rivers State at the Crossroads: #DCWCA’s Urgent Plea to the President for Peace and Protection

Mr. President, we beseech you to act with alacrity and determination, conveying an unequivocal message that the safety and welfare of every Nigerian residing along our coasts is sacrosanct. The measures you adopt today will not only sculpt the future of our nation but also reinforce our shared dedication to peace, solidarity, and advancement.

With steadfast hope and confidence in your stewardship,

Dwellers of Coastal and Waterways Communities of Africa (DCWCA) [Tom Inko-Tariah ACI arb President/CEO]

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