July 27, 2024

Trump banned from ever rejoining US Screen Actors Guild

And more blows for Trump… The cancelling of Donald Trump continues, with the former president being barred from the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.

SAG-AFTRA president Gabrielle Carteris and the national board approved a disciplinary hearing against Trump that was held over the weekend.

This resulted in Trump being barred from rejoining the union because of the way he treated members of SAG-AFTRA during his presidency, explaining that “his antagonism of the union’s journalist members and disregard for the values and integrity of the union” was intolerable.

“Preventing Donald Trump from ever rejoining SAG-AFTRA is more than a symbolic step,” Carteris said to Deadline. “It is a resounding statement that threatening or inciting harm against fellow members will not be tolerated. An attack against one is an attack against all.”

“We had a number of members call with lots of concern about Mr Trump’s actions as a candidate when he was calling the media ‘fake news’, calling upon people to take action against journalists,” national executive director David White added to Yahoo.

“And we know for a fact that, prior to his election as a president, then as president and even after being president, that his words incited actual violence and harm against members of this union, along with many others.”

Trump has responded by sending several letters to Carteris attacking her leadership. Trump has also called on Carteris to resign as the SAG-AFTRA president.